writers as

You will take those great writers as your models .
The margins are actually better for writers as well .
The same logic applies for writers as well .
It 'll be weird having two writers as parents .
Marxist classical writers as Lenin has proposed the theory of cultural revolution .
He belongs among such writers as Mark Twain .
Literary Faith and the Duties of Writers as Intellectuals
This event has been acknowledged by some scholars and writers as the official first Thanksgiving among European settlers on record .
However , the genre 's development and prosperity owes much to the endeavor of such writers as Charles Dickens .
The research of Tujia writers as the whole object is mentioned in the academic field , but not systematic and in-depth because of various reasons .
I had come to faith in Jesus through a Christian friend and through reading such writers as Dostoevsky , G.
Being is drawing more and more attention from writers as an important concept not only in philosophy field , but in anthropologic category as well .
In order to show the track of literary development , the works of foreign literature will always be classified with the nationality of writers as a criterion .
The magnificent residence is set up by the writers as the The upper social pleasure , fallen space is the symbol of evil .
He also analyses his personal traits as a writer , which confirm the Freudian hypothesis of writers as psychoneurotic .
The second part : Take three writers as an example ; it discusses three kinds of the changes of the writer creations with the function of the Yan'an literature system .
The various styles and forms explored and tried by the New Literature writers as stimulated by foreign literatures reflect their spirit to blaze new trails ;
The researches , which regard the female writers as an unique whole , not only are very weak , but also biased toward narrative and artistic level .
Consciousness of suffering , often being regarded as an individual philosophy in Chinese history , has been taken by the reportage writers as the pattern of thought of the whole nation .
Those who study the process of the creation of the world literary masterpieces deal with writers as well as works , therefore t they play a dual role of solving a riddle .
In contrast to black humor ," Golden Humor " as a brand-new kind of humor is frequently and exclusively utilized by Chinese American writers as a narrative strategy .
Early studies of academic writing usually chose articles written by expert writers as data . Corpus-based studies of expert academic discourse no doubt provide valuable information for syllabus and teaching material design .
Gottsched was a German writer , who was regarded latter by some writers as an archetype of arrogance and slowness .
The self-entertainment and physical betrayal of female writers as well as the peep satiation and body consumption of readers deprived the richness of bodies .
Determined not to let the magazine be " drowned in estrogen , " she said she would have almost exclusively male writers as they knew a lot more about sex 。
James belongs in the liberal Protestant tradition , shared by such writers as John Milton and William Blake , Emerson and Hawthorne .
At the same time , these two works represent the author 's unique art styles and literary views , and the aesthetic pursuits and cultural intention of the early Beijing School writers as well .
The latter is expressed in the fact that technology destroys the characteristics of literature and reduces the responsibility of writers as a body and that technological reproduction weakens faith in classical literature .
My friend Keith Botsford and I felt strongly that if the woods were filled with readers gone astray , among those readers there were probably writers as well .
Her works underwent changes in theme and idea from the late 30s to the middle 40s of the last century like other writers as they all experienced the baptism of the war .